Charging with T4056 Paralell and Series


New member
Jan 31, 2017
In this thread I will try to explain the do's and don'ts for using TP4056s.

Can I charge my S1 Pack quicker with more than one TP4056?
Yes you can but don't connect the protected outputs together otherwise only one will charge your Pack.

Can I charge my S3 Pack with three tp4056?
Yes and no! If you Connect them to the same 5v Supply they will blow up because you are shorting them out because the USB terminals have the same ground (trust me if tested that). But if you use 3 Powersupplys you are good to go! You could even use Qi Charging Pad and Receiver to isolate them ground wise, which is maybe interesting for small Solar charingsystems.

Can I use the 3A Protection in Paralell and get a bigger Amp cut off?
I haven't tested that jet but I will in the Future! Let me now if know that already.

That's all that I could think of for the moment. If you have any questions or want to know something just ask.

@HBPowerwall promise keeped!
Just felt i would clarify, if your using multiple power supplies for isolation, make sure they are not ground referenced like a ATX power supply,
Ahh sorry i totally missed that :)
Sean: If you check my reply that was what i linked in :)
The thing is: The 3A Board is more expensive I can get 10 for the same price. Which I have done. At the Moment I have about 30 of them. They are just that practical for all projects.
Griffel said:
The thing is: The 3A Board is more expensive I can get 10 for the same price. Which I have done. At the Moment I have about 30 of them. They are just that practical for all projects.

My time is also very expensive
If you look farther down Adam Welch's video's (
), he shows that that multi-4056 module for quicker charging is not worth it. The individual chips are not synchronized with each other can cause overheating of the modules.

I also came across this video:

He explains how he connected 3 TP4056's to a 3S bank and basically made a cheap BMS module. However, the isolation modules are expensive, imho. Would there be a better way to do this?

well your cheapest way would be dig through your charge bin for 3 old 5V plugpacks, or 3 phone chargers, each is an isolated and regulated 5V supply, most people tend to have like 10 of the things around,
Rerouter said:
well your cheapest way would be dig through your charge bin for 3 old 5V plugpacks, or 3 phone chargers, each is an isolated and regulated 5V supply, most people tend to have like 10 of the things around,

That's exactly my Idea! :cool:
I also watched the videos. These Isolated Supplys would be a soulution but they are no option for me because they would charge to slow for my application. :dodgy:
I put small heatsinks on the tp4056 to get the best performance and a longer lifespan. Personally I haven't head any overheating without heatsinks they just get as hot as they normaly do. My Tp4056 seem to be abit more synchronized.

I willl test that a bit more.