Crystal Pounding Experiment


Oct 9, 2016
I restarted my Crystal pounding (desulfating) experiment. Im using a pulse charger (a.k.a. SSGC or bedini charger) I cobbled together quit a few years ago for desulfating lead acid batteries. I figured why not try it on some low capacity cells to see it could raise them up. I capacity check this cell twice, the first cycle was 415ma and 2nd was 439ma. I then discharged the celll starting last night with an automotive light bulb for about 24hrs. So it was like .132v or so when I took the light bulb off and it bounced back to about .5v. Started the crystal pounding and will update after its charged and then capacity checked.

If you could also try a cell that has not been over discharged, and see if it improves just on that,
station240 said:
Be interesting to see what effect this has on cells that overheat during charging.

Like the cells that are 5000+ lol. If I can find one Ill try it

Rerouter said:
If you could also try a cell that has not been over discharged, and see if it improves just on that,

Yeah Ill be trying that as well but didnt have time to babysit the discharge lol