Esperyd?s Raspberry PI project

hmm I am trying to keep wifi as low as I can ,
the networks quite crowded here I really need to upgrade to 802.11ax but MikroTik still have not released anything , almost 200 devices ... IOT just takes over .. mobile is barely usable and printing takes for ever
I already split the network in halve , looks like I will have to keep dividing up my devices onto more networks

I have been using these for running my projects 5v lately , shame no 12v / 24v option

ESP-07 or ESP-13 module with breakout adapter board ($3.00)
"wouldn't ESP8266 be more stable not that much more $ ?"
MAX3232 module ($0.50) - it's just a max3232 with 5 capacitors on a tiny little board
AMS1117-3.3V ($1.00) - Or any 3.3V regulator
USB-TTL serial module ($1.50) - Make sure it has RTS and DTR outputs
"this seems too cheap how to find something known to be reliable ? "

found your video using sonoff to control heaters looks like exactly what I am after so ordered a dozen r1 basics
I will just have to but a router in the aquaponics area
flashing Tasmota on their should not be a issue
I think it can be also modified to work with ds18b20 ?

shame I can not use both Solarpower / solar-sis , but dumping excess power into useful things is more important
plus grafana has better charts

what power meters am I needing to do the external monitoring ?
the ones I have found in Australia are hell expensive
I run it all on Wifi but i also skipped Mikrotik. I gave up on their handling of networks so i run Unifi and or Fortinet products instead. Suddenly no problem at all.
I run my IOT on 2.4 while other high goes on 5Ghz. I never have any issues with the network and by looking into specs i should be able to handle 500devices in my current setup as it is.

I use encapsulated AC/DC converters. They work great and exist in 3.3 and 5 or whatever.

The list there isnt rellevant since i run Weemos D1 chinese boards for 1.2USD piece... ESP8266 isnt more stable than the other boards in terms of such stability. Its all about your code.

The converter itself i dont want to use unless i need to since i want to use power from the serie or usb port instead. I think its doable if my calculation is correct. But for other devices i use it. Check links below

Weemos clone
TTL board

When it comes to the TTL board its important to have it the right way around.. And dont run without it... :p
Thats a session based link. Please link to something public instead
Thanks for the Product links , now Ijust have to find another seller all of them shipworld wide but exclude Australia , since Covid China seems to be Anti AU ...

why the heck are image uploads not allowed ..

MasterCATZ said:
Thanks for the Product links , now Ijust have to find another seller all of them shipworld wide but exclude Australia , since Covid China seems to be Anti AU ...

why the heck are image uploads not allowed ..


Image uploads are allowed. You just aren't following all the proper steps to upload them.
I've had a problem on the Pi since yesterday.
The Grafana reports "InfluxDB Error: undefined" for the individual queries.

The Pi has a 16GB card, there are 8.5GB in use and 5.6GBGB are still free for data.
A restart of the influxdb did not help and a complete restart was not helpful either.

In the "Top" the Influxdb runs as always.

Has anyone had a tip or already had the problem and fixed it.

I would just tap that there is too much data in the DB.
How can I clean up the DB without having to redo everything.
Greetings Dirk
Walde said:
The Pi has a 16GB card, there are 8.5GB in use and 5.6GBGB are still free for data.
A restart of the influxdb did not help and a complete restart was not helpful either.

You should be getting off an SD card & onto an external HDD or SSD - SD cards have known issues with regular writes & will crash soon.
I run my RPi 3 with an external SSD, did the one-time boot change mod, cloned the data, tweaked the UUIDs & it's running.
Redpacket said:
Walde said:
The Pi has a 16GB card, there are 8.5GB in use and 5.6GBGB are still free for data.
A restart of the influxdb did not help and a complete restart was not helpful either.

You should be getting off an SD card & onto an external HDD or SSD - SD cards have known issues with regular writes & will crash soon.
I run my RPi 3 with an external SSD, did the one-time boot change mod, cloned the data, tweaked the UUIDs & it's running.

That's a good tip.

Just before I connect an SSD or HDD and do that,
I need a solution and your help to get the database up and running again.
As said the SSD cards tend to hold up 6 months if you push alot of data. You need enterprise cards if you want to use that or hook up some usb/nvme board instead.

How to recover totally depends on whats wrong. Start by copying the image from the card to an image on a secondary drive somewhere.. Because if the card is failing now every change can destroy it further.

1. make a copy of the card
2. Copy the influxdb folder to another place
3. try to repair

You can also do dmesg and upload here if you want some tips. Dmesg often can contain some hints if you have issues. I always start there.
daromer said:
2. Copy the influxdb folder to another place
3. try to repair

You can also do dmesg and upload here if you want some tips. Dmesg often can contain some hints if you have issues. I always start there.

how can i fix it.
Commands tools in the CL (command line) console.

Have not yet had any experience with influxdb.
Only with Mysql and MSSql databases.

root@grafpi:~# systemctl status influxdb -l
? influxdb.service - InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database
 Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/influxdb.service; enabled)
 Active: active (running) since Sa 2020-10-31 13:06:26 CET; 3s ago
 Main PID: 9199 (influxd)
 CGroup: /system.slice/influxdb.service
     ??9199 /usr/bin/influxd -config /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

Okt 31 13:06:27 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:27Z reading file /var/lib/influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/1023/_04833.wal, size 0 engine=tsm1 service=cacheloader
Okt 31 13:06:27 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:27Z /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1027/000000078-000000004.tsm (#0) opened in 919.215757ms engine=tsm1 service=filestore
Okt 31 13:06:27 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:27Z reading file /var/lib/influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/1027/_05042.wal, size 0 engine=tsm1 service=cacheloader
Okt 31 13:06:27 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:27Z /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1018/000000072-000000004.tsm (#0) opened in 922.808722ms engine=tsm1 service=filestore
Okt 31 13:06:27 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:27Z reading file /var/lib/influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/1018/_04887.wal, size 0 engine=tsm1 service=cacheloader
Okt 31 13:06:27 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:27Z /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1024/000000072-000000004.tsm (#0) opened in 825.081028ms engine=tsm1 service=filestore
Okt 31 13:06:28 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:28Z /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1023 opened in 1.456450208s service=store
Okt 31 13:06:28 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:28Z /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1027 opened in 1.530027619s service=store
Okt 31 13:06:28 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:28Z /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1018 opened in 1.534526102s service=store
Okt 31 13:06:28 grafpi influxd[9199]: [I] 2020-10-31T12:06:28Z /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1024 opened in 1.405694124s service=store

root@grafpi:~# influx
Failed to connect to http://localhost:8086: Get http://localhost:8086/ping: dial tcp [::1]:8086: getsockopt: connection refused
Please check your connection settings and ensure 'influxd' is running.

root@grafpi:~# netstat -tulpen
Aktive Internetverbindungen (Nur Server)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address     Foreign Address    State   User   Inode   PID/Program name
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   116    13385   1337/mysqld
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   117    13484   1971/redis-server 1
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   0     11680   647/vncserver-x11-c
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   0     13722   2348/perl
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   0     14548   1852/python
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   0     14549   1852/python
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   0     12901   549/sshd
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   112    24703   9199/influxd
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   0     17582   449/node-red
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   0     14551   1852/python
tcp    0   0*       LISTEN   0     10950   639/mosquitto
tcp6   0   0 :::5900        :::*          LISTEN   0     11679   647/vncserver-x11-c
tcp6   0   0 :::8013        :::*          LISTEN   0     13338   1693/apache2
tcp6   0   0 :::80         :::*          LISTEN   0     13332   1693/apache2
tcp6   0   0 :::22         :::*          LISTEN   0     12903   549/sshd
tcp6   0   0 :::3000        :::*          LISTEN   113    16577   1911/grafana-server
tcp6   0   0 :::3001        :::*          LISTEN   0     21443   7996/node
tcp6   0   0 :::3003        :::*          LISTEN   0     21436   7995/node
tcp6   0   0 :::1883        :::*          LISTEN   0     10951   639/mosquitto
udp    0   0*             105    11296   446/avahi-daemon: r
udp    0   0*             0     13723   2348/perl
udp    0   0*             0     11070   1348/dhclient
udp    0   0*             105    11298   446/avahi-daemon: r
udp    0   0*             0     14550   1852/python
udp    0   0*             0     11090   1348/dhclient
udp    0   0*             0     12587   460/dhcpcd
udp    0   0*             0     16168   449/node-red
udp    0   0*             0     14516   1850/ntpd
udp    0   0*             0     14515   1850/ntpd
udp    0   0*             0     14514   1850/ntpd
udp    0   0*             0     14508   1850/ntpd
udp6   0   0 :::37074        :::*                105    11299   446/avahi-daemon: r
udp6   0   0 :::5353        :::*                105    11297   446/avahi-daemon: r
udp6   0   0 :::57091        :::*                0     11071   1348/dhclient
udp6   0   0 :::546         :::*                0     8945    460/dhcpcd
udp6   0   0 2a02:908:f11:b80:d1:123 :::*                0     14519   1850/ntpd
udp6   0   0 ::1:123        :::*                0     14518   1850/ntpd
udp6   0   0 fe80::a8d4:7fe6:b13:123 :::*                0     14517   1850/ntpd
udp6   0   0 :::123         :::*                0     14509   1850/ntpd
Guys, sorry for noob question, but I have installed the .img on RPi 3, configured IP with network, I have access to Grafana, my inverter is PIP4048 and I have connected the USB cable from the inverter to the RPi 3... but I can't find whats next and how do I make the communication to work?

In ideal scenario I want to be able to configure external link for the Output of the inverter (Utility or SBU) to my Domoticz RPi 3 (different controller) and also to connect my ANT-BMS to one of the RPi's, so I can do automatic transfer of Utility<>SBU, depending on the capacity (Ah) left on my battery.

Too bad I don't know much about software/programming to do this without help, can someone help me out?
First you need to configure solar-sis software so it get the proper data from the inverter and then set it up so the data is transfered to the database.

When thats done you can set up grafana to visualize it all.
This is not automatic since its different from each setup like ports and such. You can find more information in the thread and in the videos but its not a UI to do all this.

To get the controller going you need to do some more scripting and even write some code to hook that bms together and talk to solar-sis.
Thanks Daromer for the ISO, the Batrium side works as expected. my Challenge now is every 3 days, i need to manually connect my laptop via USB to batrium WM4 and do the JOIN WIFI AP again. Every 3 days the batrium disconnects from the router. Other devices on the router don't disconnect from the router. is there any setting on batrium to make to connect automatically/permanently to router?

I couldn't make my 5048MK showup on the Grafana, hence i used solspiplog.
Is there a way to make the data from the batrium show on emoncms?
Cant help you with the Batrium part. I dont have the problem myself. Do you have the latest version? Have you talked to the support? What model of the watchmon are you using? How close is the AP?

You need to configure Grafana to show the values. Latest version does not show your data per default. Though Batrium plugin should store the data automatically i think hmm.. Dont rememeber. Havent used that iso for a long time and im in making of new stuff. For instance a wireless dongle that you attach to each MPP inverter/charger that then sends the data. Alot more stable.
Its finally working so in best case the first video to come out this weekend.
And the new ISO with dockerized systems will be handed out to soon

Batrium -> Emon.
Use Node red and take the messages sent via MQTT from the WatchmonUDPlistener to Emoncms. I dont use Emon at all so i ditched that part im afraid.
Am using WM4,
Preset Version 2
Hardware version 4.3
Firmware version 4.10
Software Version 2.012.
Are these the latest?

Looking forward to you New ISO, thanks.
Adding towards the Solar ISO i have now done the first draft version making the inverters and chargers wireless.

Hi Daromer, newcomer here and looking at this thread and your Pi image. I'd just like to thank you for you efforts and continued support over the years.
I will be utilising this monitor on my system over the holiday season. I have acquired 5yr old system 8.5kw solar, 16kw PIP4048 clones in running in parallel, and replaced the old pregnant LiFePO4 with 1000ah 2v Narada Lead carbon batteries, been running for last 3 months and just ordered a JK type 2A active balancer with RS485 (which is probably a too small and not so necessary on Lead Carbon, but I get random cell variations and mostly want the data points)

I have not played with a Pi yet myself but got reasonably good at Arduino, so when I am ready, it looks like I have a lot of backstory to read up before posting rookie questions about things not working. I'm going to purchase a new Raspberry Pi and various components and have a play. Looking forward to your Wi-fi mods and hope it helps with comms reliability

So thank you very much in advance for this goldmine of a thread.
>I'm going to purchase a new Raspberry Pi and various components and have a play

@bobwho make sure that you have the correct physical version of a Rpi that the image fits, It wont fit a 4 or a 3+ as far as I am aware, you might want to check the exact Pi version from earlier pages on this thread. Daromer is working to make a docker based image for newer Pi's but for now we have to use the image on specific Rpi hardware versions.
The image wont work on newer but you can easily install the applications

I would recommend to get Raspi4 with atleast 2gb ram or more!