Esperyd?s Raspberry PI project

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Ok thanks, any idea where I might find that? I had a look and I'm not great in JS so I don't really know how it works under the hood :cry:
Finally got my Batrium in and set up. Trying to communicate with my Home Assistant server with the WatchMonUdpListner container running on my windows machine with WSL2. The container runs, connects to my MQTT server but no traffic comes through. Any ideas?
Batrium logger Server is listening at port18542 responded in 30ms running 1.8.6)
Hi everyone, I'm new here, I found this guide and installed everything. There was some errors, but I figured out how to fix them. Now I installed everything, but I need somehow install the Grafana to show all the data. Is there any guide how to do that?
Or anyone who can help me with that?
I wondering if anyone can, because daromer was lastly seen in September 2021.
Hi everyone, I'm new here, I found this guide and installed everything. There was some errors, but I figured out how to fix them. Now I installed everything, but I need somehow install the Grafana to show all the data. Is there any guide how to do that?
Or anyone who can help me with that?
I wondering if anyone can, because daromer was lastly seen in September 2021.

I was able to simply check the box for Grafana when going through the IOT stack set up.
I would highly recommend to install the software instead. The old images are OLD :)
Hi Daniel and also Hi to everyone else in the forum,
can I use something other than a platform for your Pi image.

I have an old image running on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with a lot of adjustments
and I want to install a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B at a second location ....

I'm just saying shit ... Raspberry Pi has endless delivery problems
( delivery time 36 weeks) and the price is also a joke at over 100€.

Is it possible to use an alternative SOC board, has anyone already tested alternatives
without adjustments and without problems, or are actively using them.

Greetings Dirk :cool:

PS: I hope you have some tips .... I hate Corona problems and also the problems caused by the Ukraine war :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Is it possible to use an alternative SOC board, has anyone already tested alternatives
without adjustments and without problems, or are actively using them.
Not trying to step on @daromer toes here but.
I collect all my data using ESP32s ,sending to node red, influx and grafana running on an ubuntu box.
Correction I do have a pi running Venus for my Victron Controllers but it also runs the data through node red to influx.
You could docker or VM that pi image on a linux box I suppose but why? When you can install all the necessary stuff on said box.
Also what parameters are you trying to collect?

I also just run esp8266/32 and convert all my data to MQTT today. I have nothing left of the old software running to be honest. I have an rasp to host the local db data and then a remote in a datacenter that do all the work.
I also just run esp8266/32 and convert all my data to MQTT today. I have nothing left of the old software running to be honest. I have an rasp to host the local db data and then a remote in a datacenter that do all the work.
What's the setup you have in the datacenter?
I run a linux server that stores all my main databases/data. To secure all backups and historic information
I installed docker, downloaded the watchmonudplistener, edit the config.json and installed the container with:

$ docker run daromer/watchmonudplistener

but get the error

"Can't connect to MQTT serverError: connect ECONNREFUSED"

So the installation don't use my config file.
I can't finde the watchmon docker to correct the config.json file.
Where is it stored?

Best regards Sebastian