FST 18650-2200mAh Cell Specifications

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Oct 8, 2016
Warning: The information in this thread was obtained from various sources on the Internet, including any datasheets linked below, and is provided for reference only. It is not guaranteed to be accurate. To prevent fire or personal injury, never charge or discharge a cell before verifying the information yourself using the original specifications sheet provided by the manufacturer.

Capacity:2200mAh Rated
Voltage:3.60V Nominal
Charging:4.20V Maximum
1100mA Standard
2200mA Maximum
Discharging:2.75V Cutoff
2200mA Standard
8800mA Maximum
Description:Turquoise Cell Wrapper
Grey Insulator Ring
18650 Form Factor

Data References:



I believe this is the same type of cell:

FST / CJ 7G41114 30110

I still haven't figured out the naming convention for FST/CJ cells.. I think it's the first 3 in the longer serial number, 7G4 series for this cell. Tested one at 2287mAH, came from a Lenovo 6-cell 42T4643 battery.


rev0 said:
I believe this is the same type of cell:

FST / CJ 7G41114 30110

I still haven't figured out the naming convention for FST/CJ cells.. I think it's the first 3 in the longer serial number, 7G4 series for this cell. Tested one at 2287mAH, came from a Lenovo 6-cell 42T4643 battery.

Thanks! Since it looks different, it still needs it's own database entry. I'll create a new entry, and link them together if it is the same. :)
I have two cells like these, marked "18650 7K41814 35037" and "18650 7K41814 35043" above the barcode, CJ beneath it. Both came from the same laptop battery pack that my cousin tore apart.

Thanks for the info! I've been looking for a couple hours now.
I also found about 6 cells that are more similar to what rev0 found in his pack. They have the same logo but the model number scheme is totally different, and no mah or V stats included in mine unfortunately. They're also much more of a navy blue with a white insulator ring. This brand is just weird. I'll try and submit real pictures once I get them cleaned up.

i found it but does any one confirm that have tested it and it give 2200 mah or have tested it for more than 700 Cycle
Could anybody tell if it's safe to use it for vaping? I just got 6 of them from a laptop battery and i wouldn't just toss them away if they could have any use.
I have one of these that are similar (with 18650 & cj markings), but the numbers aside from those are also different. I cannot figure out why they are numbered as they are, or whether or not it even has any significance. IMG_20220717_230651.jpgIMG_20220717_230932~2.jpg
Could anybody tell if it's safe to use it for vaping? I just got 6 of them from a laptop battery and i wouldn't just toss them away if they could have any use.
When I used to vape, I would usually not use these cells except in emergency situations like when I would need a couple hits if all my other ones were dead and I did not have any means to charge. I only had protected mods though so I wasn't too worried about anything severely bad happening. I had to use it with a lot of time between hits though. If I tried to hit in quick successions it would go into protect mode. So pretty much I concluded these cells are not rated for high amp drain, and figured it would degrade the cell pretty bad if it was used regularly.

I used rbds and ran my settings pretty low to have longer battery time since I do not have access to power whenever I need it. If I remember correct I would have my settings around 30w to 60w with my coils at 0.7 to 0.9 ohms.
Thanks! Since it looks different, it still needs it's own database entry.
They make me crazy, got a 30ish of them...all look a likes.
But no match in the dbase or with miss google.



Just a confirmation what they are.
Or are they really a different side branch.

Thanks for this great work, @TheBatteries, a monster dbase.

with best regards Igor