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ALL NEW - Battery Finder Search for 12/24/36/48v or by capacity www.batteryfinder.net
New & used Batteries, Solar, accessories, LifePo4 cells & more 5% Coupon "Powerwalls" www.batteryhookup.com


Oct 7, 2016
Here you'll find all the stuff I refer to on YouTube, inc - pics, prices, spread sheets & diagrams.

If you find stuff here helpful please consider a gold coin or two my way via PayPal or Patreon

You can also catch up with me on Facebook (group) HBPowerwall Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & YouTube

Business-related inquiries - admin at diypowerwalls that dot thing com - Emails not directly relate to sponsorship or marketing will be ignored.

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How much did/does/will your project cost...

Glad you asked - check it out here :cool:

View attachment 1


  • New HBPowerwall price list public.pdf
    46.4 KB · Views: 49,198
Do you have a diagram of how it's all setup ?


  • Solar is now , 23 195w Panels15 in 3p5s and 8 in 2p4s configuration
  • 15 panels go to MPP PCM60X charge controller
  • 8 panels go to PIP4048MS
  • Removed neo Pixel to reduce light inside the shed (just glows at night)
  • Turned off the light ring in the router
  • Considering taking out the monitor
  • Ordered another inverter - you got that here first!
If something is missing from this list hit me up via PM or email and I'll add it for you.

A is for Amazonreferral link
B is for Banggood referral link
C is for AliExpress referral link
E is for eBay referral link

Charger / Discharger
MPP Solar Inverter
Battery Fuses between Inverter & Battery
TP 4056
Plastic Battery Holders
Cell Log 8
IMAX Charger
Battery Holders
New Heat Shrink
LED voltage display
HydraulicCable Lug Tool
Cell Level Fuse wire
Nickle Strip
Spot Welders
AC Power Meter
35mm Power Cables (2 Gauge)
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DIYPowerwall Mounting System

This is the mounting system that I came up with to hold my cells. It's both cost-effective & good looking rack mounting system. It makes maintaining and building your battery packs very simple and quick. I've provided as much info here as possible and if you'd like to donate to help pay for all the RnD monies that started this process it would mean a lot. The first one I had made the prototype cost just under $400 AUD and the next 4 costs about that again so was quite expensive to get it all started. My PayPal ishttps://www.paypal.me/homebrewpowerwall. I have 8 left I can sell in stock and are $85 each and available to pick up from Brisbane Australia - I don't post.

Both Mark & Ivan have generously donated their CAD files below if you would like to build your own. Please also consider a donation to them for their contribution.

CAD Files

  • Mark J. Phillips donate via paypal - mjp@mjpbase.com
  • 80P Version - 18650x4_Racks_Native_Files.zip (attached)



  • Ivan Baxters donate viapaypal - https://www.paypal.me/PowerWallBracket
  • 160P Version - IvansDIYPowerwallBracket160p.zip (attached)
  • 200P Version - IvansDIYPowerwallBracket200p.zip (attached)



UPDATED PHOTO of the mount to try making it a little easier to read. Click This image, then don't forget to hit the 'zoom in' button top right to make it original size


above diagram is straight from the laser cutters, differences in this V5 version is rounded corners where they COULD touch the cells and added 1mm (to that skinny bit at the top below the square bit) to allow for heat shrink to be fitted to reduce the chance of short to ground.

After months of use, I've successfully tested my mounts with 157 cells rather than 80p packs








  • 18650x4_Racks_Native_Files.zip
    1.5 MB · Views: 619
  • IvansDIYPowerwallBracket160p.zip
    196.8 KB · Views: 471
  • IvansDIYPowerwallBracket200p.zip
    203.6 KB · Views: 454
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Did you ever figure out a decent battery balancer? I know at one time you were looking. Those small ones appear to make a noise and was wondering if you found a better solution.

Secondly, I notice you have a 48v inverter. Does this mean you have these batteries packs in 14 series (3.7v nominal * 14 = 51. 8v) ? I'm thinking 48v is the way to go because if you need, even momentarily, 50 Amps of 120V AC, that would be over 500 Amps at 12V.

I see you are doing 14S3P :)
cstanley said:
Did you ever figure out a decent battery balancer? I know at one time you were looking. Those small ones appear to make a noise and was wondering if you found a better solution.

Secondly, I notice you have a 48v inverter. Does this mean you have these batteries packs in 14 series (3.7v nominal * 14 = 51. 8v) ? I'm thinking 48v is the way to go because if you need, even momentarily, 50 Amps of 120V AC, that would be over 500 Amps at 12V.

I see you are doing 14S3P :)

No balancer yet, i'm open to sponsorship offers ::)

edit yes i don't know how you say it is it 80p14s2p lol but 3360 cells
Awesome, one thing - I haven't delved much into the solar aspect yet. Can you explain what's going on with the way you have the solar panels positive wired to the PCM60X then from the PCM to battery and fused to some input on the PIP? Can you also explain the SHUNT situation you have going on with all the negative wires? Thanks!
Solar panels > breaker > 40m cable > breaker > PCM60X > SHOULD BE A BREAKER > Positive to battery, Negative to INVERTER side of shunt. This is so energy has to go THROUGH the shunt to measure power in and out correctly. it power Comes in from PCM60X and can go directly to the inverter if I had it on the battery side of the shunt it would measure the power going through the shut on the way to the inverter hence giving the 'battery' state of charge a false reading. Does that make sense?
the 100 dollar versions ...lol

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Anyone ever wondered how many hits roll in on YouTube ::)Would anyone be interested in seeing more of this type of stuff. As I don't mind sharing so others can learn

Hi Peter! Thanks for putting out all of the videos. One thing I may have missed or not fully understood is the arrangement of individual packs. Is one 80 cell pack, 1s80p? Then you mount those packs in series to produce 14s80p? That means you're using a 48V system and your nominal pack voltage is about 50V, correct?

Hopefully it's ok to ask about my own build here:
One thing I am looking at doing for my own build is a modular approach in which I can add capacity as I go, starting with one pack and moving forward. This system doesn't really allow that, or am I missing something? What may work better for me is 75 cell packs wired as 15s5p and mounting all finished packs in parallel. Do you foresee any problems with this?

Thanks for the clarification and keep doing what you're doing!
Yes you are correct with mine. Seems to be working for me so far. Your way sounds like it will work well. I guess it all up to you and how you want it to look, how much capacity etc. Good thing about these projects we all learn :cool:
Oi Pete,

Ever thought of adding 3 more banks to the door and 3 banks on the fixed panel holding the door in the same shed??? saves u installing another shed, and ya still got plenty of airflow. U might need to ad more supports to the hindges that suppport to the door or use a star fence picket and hammer it in flush on the on the inside of the doors fixed panel to cater for extra weight and flex.
That's some very nice work ... very orderly and professional , and some serious storage capacity ...

The question must be , with so much capacity , what do you charge up to ? ... it seems to get the max life from the cells 3.9 or 3.8 is the highest we would want to go ??? Discharging no lower than 3V?