Highstar isr18650-2000 mah

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ocaluptous said:
mike said:
You would have to check the datasheet from the manufacturer. Those cells are your typical Chinese special. Unfortunately, you probably won't find a datasheet and I wouldn't even use them.

If you have a minute to take pictures, we can at least get them added to the Cell Database.
here is a datasheet for a similar cell.

I think you forgot to add the file. ???
Korishan said:
ocaluptous said:
mike said:
You would have to check the datasheet from the manufacturer. Those cells are your typical Chinese special. Unfortunately, you probably won't find a datasheet and I wouldn't even use them.

If you have a minute to take pictures, we can at least get them added to the Cell Database.
here is a datasheet for a similar cell.

I think you forgot to add the file. ???
seems ok on this end.
^^^ Nowadays we can't deduce much of anything from 3.6V vs. 3.7V "nominal voltage" because nominal voltage has no standard definition. In particular it cannot be used to deduce anything about maximum current capability ("high current").
I completely disagree.

Assuming a site lists the specs correctly, any power tool manufacturer and any high current cell manufacturer will give 3.6V as standard nominal for high drain.
That's why you see in most serious brands batteries like 14.4, 18, 36V and on any Samsung Q and later cell you see an official spec rating of 3.6.

While that, all old ICRs are definitely 3.7 only.

There are some mid-way considerations when it comes to some now-day's hybrid INRs, which state 3.65, but that's exactly what a non-high-drain INR would standardize to.

So that rating is of maximum relevance when you don't have max current as stated spec.
Putting default spces on a site of which administration is most of the time a random copy-paste operator has zero relevance.
^^^ fyi: the spec's listed in HKJ's reviews are excerpted from the manufacturer datasheets, including the nominal voltage, as can easily be checked.

Since the search I gave in post #10 reveals a few hundred high-drain IMR/INR cells that are 3.7V nominal, and less than half as many that are 3.6V nominal, this implies that your guess in post #9 that "any high current cell manufacturer will give 3.6V as standard nominal for high drain" is false.

Again, nowadays 3.6V vs. 3.7V nominal doesn't imply much of anything (not even anything about "average" voltage, since many manufacturers list the higher 3.7V in order to get inflated Wh numbers for marketing purposes).

In the old days when many cells were nominal 3.6V cells that could only be charged to 4.10V then it had a little more meaning. That's why many older RC/hobby chargers had the 3.6V/4.10V setting. Nowadays this has shifted to the distinction between 3.7/4.20V vs. 3.8/4.35V (LiHV).
Want to see the true nominal of a cell ? Measure voltage over time, pick the high end of the Gauss and that's it.

Samsung QtoT - Nominal voltage 3.6V: https://datasheetspdf.com/pdf/839321/Samsung/INR18650-25R/1
LG HGs - Nominal voltage 3.6V: https://cdn.webshopapp.com/shops/275790/files/260265422/20170331-ps-lg-inr-18650hg2.pdf
Sony VTs - Nominal voltage 3.6V: https://datasheetspdf.com/pdf/1160671/DSBG/US18650VTC4/1
Sanyo/PA - Nominal voltage 3.6V: https://datasheet4u.com/datasheet-pdf/Panasonic/CGR18650CG/pdf.php?id=774617

I consider any other comments irrelevant and off-topic.
I have some highstar 2000mAh. I was given 7 of these cells out of a vacuum cleaner. Currently testing on my opus. They all look good initially at 3.3Volts and approx 15 Milliohms. I cannot use them in my 7s 80p 18650 packs because they are high current. Anyone like to swap them for 7 x 18650 cells that are approx 2200mAh and 40 milliohms or so? I live in Brantham, sunny suffolk, England. Or......... can I put one cell in each of the 80p packs or is this a no no?
can I put one cell in each of the 80p packs
Yeah, this is fine. Being high current cells doesn't mean they have to run at high current the whole time. Shared with all the other cells, they'll see very little current draw as long as all connections to the parallel group are equally connected to the bus and you aren't trying to pull 100+A from the pack