@Wolf our forums IR master! (mind you, there are always two...a master and a apprentice

Therefore logic dictates that you want to maintain the same "charge/discharge" speed in each battery/pack.
Agree 100% but if every pack has the same amount of high IR and low IR cells, than the balancing would be the same on pack and cell level.
Probably i got my things in wrong order.
So if one would have a high drain battery the cells would have to work hard, i think in this case you are right.
So if one would have a low drain battery the cells would have a easy life.
Meaning low drain all the cells can give the asked mah. high drain, the cells with high ir can not give the mah that is demanded.
but the low ir cells can get the first punch and the high ir cells can fill up the low ir cells?
You have a very well put together battery and a big one.
Oke now there is a heatwave in Australia and here are the electric heaters burning, so high drain it is for both of us right now.
Despite the fact that the solar chargers power directly your airco.
But if you would have a decent size battery bank, why would you separate low from high?
Only reason i can think of is that the low drain cells would go bad a bit earlier?
I think if divided (high and low) evenly it does not matter?
I think that low drain are better suited for energy storage than high drain cells, why not benefit the best of both worlds in case of a small energy storage.
Let the high drain take the first punch?
Don't be sorry, we all learn here.
Or am i completely wrong here?
IR from 20mΩ to 80mΩ is a delta of 60mΩ. There is a huge difference in how a 20mΩ cell next to a 80mΩ reacts when charging/discharging.
They will be constantly battling each other.
You can see all this in graphic format in my parallel cell study.
And this i really dont get, sorry.
Oke i am mixing in my packs low and high, to a average! not delta.
To my understanding of "delta":
- Delta means change, in case of ir, there is only change when in use.
- Delta means when in use the v will drop or rise after a set point.
- Delta means when i am charging my cells and the v is topping the ah is dropping, or the v is dropping the ah will be topping.
- Delta means in case of NiMh a change in temperature when the v is done and keep on charging, what is needed with NiMh
- Delta on Sanyo cells...after a x year of self-life they can handle less and less in charge/discharge mah due to ir, there soh is also going lower(all cells btw) but some in heat, especially Sanyo(for 4 years now Panasonic?)
To my understanding a cells ir only goes up when in use or in self-life (or abuse goes rapidly)
Some us18650 (green sony) are climbing in IR with 15mohm in just one year....self life, without using them and at a perfect 3.330v storage v.
So at this point you are perfectly right in your statement of your "perfect cell" "world".
Same type, same manufactory ect.
But again, i hope you can tell me the pinpoint why not mix low and high ir cells in a modest to big battery banks.
Up to a certain point it does not make sense to me.
I think in a real good modest perfect battery bank at
pack level the cells would benefit from some high drain cells.
To clarify what i think is a high drain bank--->300mah per cel charge or discharge and higher.
The more cells in your battery or pack or more banks in your battery would give you lower drain and lower charge.
The more batteries in your bank/more cells in your packs would give you lower strain and drain on cell level.
And now the lady is going to cook with the ac unit on and you want to take a shower, all electric...oh yes you just park your ev at home.... high drain for a hour.
after dinner you are fresh, well fed in a cold house, only the ev is a bit charging, low drain.
With kind and best regards Igor