Moli Energy ICR-18650M Cell Specifications

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Oct 8, 2016
Warning: The information in this thread was obtained from various sources on the Internet, including any datasheets linked below, and is provided for reference only. It is not guaranteed to be accurate. To prevent fire or personal injury, never charge or discharge a cell before verifying the information yourself using the original specifications sheet provided by the manufacturer.

Brand:Moli Energy
Capacity:2800mAh Rated
Voltage:3.70V Nominal
Charging:4.20V Maximum
1400mA Standard
2800mA Maximum
Discharging:2.50V Cutoff
560mA Standard
5600mA Maximum
Description:Purple Cell Wrapper
Black Insulator Ring
18650 Form Factor

Data References:



Mike I searched for this cell as I received it in a lot of cells I bought from a Gumtree listing. It tested the BEST among the cells I have at 2546maH (on my XTAR Dragon VP4 Plus tester/charger) so I was curious. I have taken pics of it as it doesn't say MOLI it says MOLICELL ICR18650J
044 2GB27 02 and is the exact color as this cell above. If you'd like the images I can upload them to my server. Cheers bro - David

Actually I only chose this cell as the washer APPEARS black, I found the "J" cell above this one saying dark blue and it seems 2300maH so my XTAR may be reading the cell discharges a bit higher than they are - disappointing.... this was an expensive unit and I chose it above the Opus as it was about double the Opus price (in Oz.) Sadly all the cells I have run thru it so far are marked with it's ratings, so I'd best continue with it so far testing about 200+ of 1,000 cells (mostly LG) orange that were reading like NEW cells (out of vacuum cleaners).