Sanyo UR18650FM Cell Specifications

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Oct 8, 2016
Warning: The information in this thread was obtained from various sources on the Internet, including any datasheets linked below, and is provided for reference only. It is not guaranteed to be accurate. To prevent fire or personal injury, never charge or discharge a cell before verifying the information yourself using the original specifications sheet provided by the manufacturer.

Capacity:2500mAh Rated
Voltage:3.70V Nominal
Charging:4.20V Maximum
1750mA Standard
--- mA Maximum
Discharging:2.75V Cutoff
500mA Standard
--- mA Maximum
Description:Red Cell Wrapper
Black Insulator Ring
18650 Form Factor

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diverdale said:
I have some of these but they have the blue rings. The blue matches the UR18650F in the database but they are labeled UR18650FM. Just thought I'd let you folks know. Great job with the db by the way.


I also have a bunch of the UR18650FM that also have the teal/blue-ish top and they are testing around 2500mah+.

mike said:
costty said:
2.6Ah Mike

Do you have a datasheet for them? The only information I could find online says they're rated for 2500mAh but typical performance is 2600mAh - meaning they usually test better than spec.

here is a link to the datasheet (I think).
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Looks like SANYO cells have random color rings, or at least a couple of different colors per model nr. Maybe adding an "i.e. "white/purple" text in the ring color would be better, as opposed to over-populating the database with duplicate -as seems- entries?
mike said:
Monsterbeats19 said:

Found a few of these Sanyo ur18650fm cells but mine has a light blue isolator

Can you confirm you can see "FM" on the wrapper? Not just "UR18650F"? If you can confirm, I will create this as a separate variant of the FM cell.

I can confirm having light blue isolator with "Sanyo L" and "UR18650FM" on them wrapper. Dont know if its the production code, but there is R1122 right beside and P15C below.
Sanyo L
UR18650FM - Blue Islolater

I made friends with a connect at my job and was able to secure a steady supply of these Sanyo's with the blue ring. These came from a medical device battery pack. Usually they are setup in series and typically one out of two cells in the pack tests bad. (like 7maH bad)

I tested around 30 cells and have had 0 heat issues. The hottest coming out around 105* F. (40* C) Most averaging 90* F (32* C)

Average maH was around 2141 and a few tested around 1792.
More cyan-ringed "FM" ones here, with additional text below reading "M44A". Taken out of original Lenovo 7.14Ah battery, which makes them 2380mAh.
Hi I just registered to let you know that they 'should' be 2600mAh rated.

At least the ones I found in an old Laptop battery have '2.6Ah' embossed on the sleeve right next to to the name 'UR18650FM'.

However the sleeve is rather pinkish-red and the ring is a very dark blue, almost black.
So mine have a black ring but also have 2.6Ah stamped into em as well. So I'm fairly certain they're officially rated at 2600mAh.


I know this is considered a "bad picture" but I can confirm the "FM" and blue ring. Tough angle to capture both.

Hi guys, I got some blue ring FM cells too, harvested them from a laptop battery (seee attached picture).

Tested with an Opus 2.2 they read around 2300 mAh, but the starting voltage was around 1.1 V so I guess they got quite worn though I managed to recharge them up to 4.18V.

Since laptops get hundreds of charging cycles before being trashed, I guess these cells' original capacity could have been above the 2300 mAh I read, maybe in the 2400-2900 range.
Hi guys,

I retrieved 70 Sanyo UR18650FM (with the name printed in the plastic sleeve), mostly from Lenovo batteries. The ring was always cyan, while the plastic sleeve changes from dark to bright red. The best had 2.4 Ah at 1A discharge between 4.2 to 2.8 V at 28 C. The UR18650FM is rated 2.6 Ah between 2.8 and 4.2 V in the paper "A Comparative Testing Study of Commercial 18650-Format Lithium-Ion Battery Cells" by V. Muenzel.
Warning: The information in this thread was obtained from various sources on the Internet, including any datasheets linked below, and is provided for reference only. It is not guaranteed to be accurate. To prevent fire or personal injury, never charge or discharge a cell before verifying the information yourself using the original specifications sheet provided by the manufacturer.

Capacity:2500mAh Rated
Voltage:3.70V Nominal
Charging:4.20V Maximum
1750mA Standard
--- mA Maximum
Discharging:2.75V Cutoff
500mA Standard
--- mA Maximum
Description:Red Cell Wrapper
Black Insulator Ring
18650 Form Factor

Data References:
None. Please submit one!


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View attachment 10151

I had these cells charging at 1A for 7.5 hours and still not charged and very hot, no way I’m considering putting them in anything even if they do act normal the next charging cycle