Sony US18650GR (G6) Cell Specifications

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Oct 8, 2016
Warning: The information in this thread was obtained from various sources on the Internet, including any datasheets linked below, and is provided for reference only. It is not guaranteed to be accurate. To prevent fire or personal injury, never charge or discharge a cell before verifying the information yourself using the original specifications sheet provided by the manufacturer.

Model:US18650GR (G6)
Capacity:2100mAh Rated
Voltage:3.70V Nominal
Charging:4.20V Maximum
1000mA Standard
--- mA Maximum
Discharging:3.00V Cutoff
420mA Standard
--- mA Maximum
Description:Green Cell Wrapper
Black Insulator Ring
18650 Form Factor

Data References:





Yep, seems to be a 'generation' thing. Generation 3, Gen 4, Gen 5 etc etc but there are other letters too, it's the number that counts:

G4 is actually 1960mAh according to the only Sony datasheet I could find that referenced them


I suspect the 'D' versions in the table above are for power tools, lower capacity & higher max. current draw, so maybe 'D' is for 'Drill'? Who knows.

G3 = 1800
G4 = 1960
G5 = 2150
G6, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6F= 2200
G7, 7C = 2400
G8, 8E = 2600

The 'GR' simply means Graphite anode, verses the 'coke' anode of earlier versions.

SF and SE on the cells is dependent on the plant that made the cell...
SE = Sony Energytec
SF = Sony Fukushima

Note, the above is only what I have gleened from extensive searching, happy to be corrected
Here are some pictures and what I found out about the capacity of these cells:
G1 (blue without marking) 1400mAh


G2 1600mAh
will add picture when i find one. I am 99% sure that i have some...

G3 1800mAh


G4 (or anything with a 4 in the first 2 digits) 1950/2000mAh (depending on source, most laptop batterys spec them at 2000)



G5 2150/2200 mAh (again depending on source)



G6 (or anything with a 6 in the first 2 digits) 2200mAh (for once without any doubt)



G7 (or anything with a 7 in the first 2 digits) 2400mAh


8A (or anything with a 8 in the first 2 digits) 2600mAh


I hope this helps a bit with cleaning up the whole US18650GR situation :)
mike said:
... I assume we should treat the G6A as a separate model number (separate database thread)? Or are we sure they are the exact same cell with just a different wrapper?...

I would love to see some technical document from Sony that shows the differences, but .... bloody Sony!

As best I can tell, there's no difference between them regarding voltage and capacity so probably no need to separate.
Maybe just addthe othersto the same 'model' column, so it look like (G6,6A, 6B, 6C, 6F)?
Maybe that's too cluttered? Though there are other's with two model numbers (LG's for example)

I have examples of the6A, 6B, 6C and the6F and they're all testing about the same. Hard to tell though because some have had harder lives than others.
General consensus from the various forums on theinterwebs is that they are the same capacity.
I'm guessing Sonyjust made minor revisions of the G6 as the years progressed.

Edit: same deal for the 7 and 8, there are revisions for those too, I've got 7C's and an 8E's in my stash.
Thanks very much for this information. I recently got about 150 of these cells. Most tested in the 1400-1700 mAh range.Now I can check to see if they are still reasonable cells (G3-G5), or well used and closer to end of life(G6+).
I just salvaged 6 such cells, they are of gen 8. They were sitting at around 1.5V for quite some time so had to go slowly on them. I charged them to around 3V and tried each one on an iMax charger. Strange thing, whenever CV was running for around 10mins, the cells would get hot and I had to stop. The voltage will then stay constant for days and they will discharge nominally down to 3V.
Any ideas on what's going on? Is that the way these cells fail?

--- edit
Seems like the "will discharge nominally down to 3V" was a bit of a far reach. Seems like these cells have very high internal resistance, capacity capped to around 40mAh for each, obviously due to staying into very low SOC territory for too long. So, nothing to see here.
Keep stumbling upon these cells on ACER battery packs. So far, I have liberated around 50 cells, NONE of them being of ANY use! What's wrong with them SONYs?
thanar said:
They were sitting at around 1.5V for quite some time so had to go slowly on them.

^^ there is your mistake there. The chemisty changes when you drop below the cut off voltage, the bigger the drop and the period of time within that drop zone will determine how badly the chemisty has been changed, most people that know what they are doing will throw away batteries that test below 2.5v on the inintal test. Batteries that have altered chemistry are unpredictabity and from a safety point of view, best to avoid.

If you have a lot of recoverable cells like you said then the best thing to do is change your source, if purchasing of eBay beware a lot of people selling laptop batteries in bulk, often they will sell them as 'untested', generally they say this because they know full well that the batteries in them are not very good, they normally pocket the good ones, you can quickly learn from a batch which are good and what are bad even before opening them, for example, if you have HP M06 and 3 laptop batteries test faulty out of 10, then the chances are the rest will fail to because they have come from the same source.
TAGG said:
G2 1600mAh
will add picture when i find one. I am 99% sure that i have some...

I have eight US18650GR G2H that I just liberated from a Apple clamshell ibook battery pack from circa 2000.


Pack cover has the following text:
iBook Lithium Ion Rechargable Battery
model no M7426
(C) 1999 Apple Computer
Made in Japan

There are no watt, amp, or volt specs on the machine or pack itself, however Everymac says this model ibook had a 45 wh pack, so roughly 5.625 Wh per cylinder.

(ed i just realized there are already pictures of G2H in the actual G2 thread... )
fcbrand said:
I keep finding references that Sony uses different G Ratings to rate the cell capacity. Here is what I have found so far.

G4 = 2000mAh
G5 = 2200mAh
G7 = 2400mAh
G8 = 2600mAh

The Cell shown above has a G7 rating making it a 2400mAh cell.
The battery Pack I dismantle belongs to Acer laptop Model #: BATBL50L6. The battery as a whole is rated as 4000mAh and had 6 batteries inside. if we devided4000mAh by 6, we will get 666mAh for each cell. The cell according to themarking is: SF US18650GR T G41490J181. It should be 666mAh not 2000mAh. and as we all said sony batteries are soo confusing..but that is how i caculate each time i harness batteries..
The battery Pack I dismantle belongs to Acer laptop Model #: BATBL50L6. The battery as a whole is rated as 4000mAh and had 6 batteries inside. if we devided4000mAh by 6, we will get 666mAh for each cell. The cell according to themarking is: SF US18650GR T G41490J181. It should be 666mAh not 2000mAh. and as we all said sony batteries are soo confusing..but that is how i caculate each time i harness batteries..


No the pack is a 4000mAh pack . You need to calculate how the batteries are arranged.
With 6 cells they are in a 3s2p configuration. The amperage comes from the 2p which is 2000mAh X 2 = 4000mAh.The voltage comes from the 3s configuration which should be 11.1 or so.

So yea the battery pack is correct.
Sí, parece ser una cuestión de "generación". Generación 3, Generación 4, Generación 5, etc., etc., pero también hay otras letras, lo que cuenta es el número:

G4 es en realidad 1960 mAh según la única hoja de datos de Sony que pude encontrar que los referenciaba

View attachment 10035

Sospecho que las versiones 'D' en la tabla anterior son para herramientas eléctricas, menor capacidad y mayor máx. consumo actual, entonces tal vez 'D' sea para 'Drill'? Quién sabe.

G3 = 1800
G4 = 1960
G5 = 2150
G6, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6F = 2200
G7, 7C = 2400
G8, 8E = 2600

El 'GR' simplemente significa ánodo de grafito, frente al ánodo de 'coque' de versiones anteriores.

SF y SE en las células depende de la planta que hizo la célula ...
SE = Sony Energytec
SF = Sony Fukushima

Tenga en cuenta que lo anterior es solo lo que he obtenido de una búsqueda exhaustiva, feliz de ser corregido


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Hola maestros me podrían ayudar por favor estás serán las mismas en capacidad de fabricación? Gracias saludos desde europa
Hi, thx for the info collections.
I got those Sony batts from an old Vaio battery's, and from what I could gather around , we should go with first 2 number... In my case 6G. test around 1A ≈ 900mA, and test around 0.5A ≈ 1350mA. I know it is poor, but for batteries of almost 15 years what I can not exept more. I ll use them for soft load of course!
Recently got two laptop battery pack one hp one acer both have same cell and unfortunately they both leaked


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