Strongest P.. is true ?


Jun 6, 2020
Hi All,

I read on another forum that setting the first 1p and the list Np parallel rows with the strongest capacity will help to make less difficult the balancing...

Is this true ?

Not sure about the other forum and also the theory behind that.
What I do know is, if you build your packs to be properly balancedto begin with, you wont have any balancingissues.




Yes, best practice is to make all packs in the series built with the same "capacity" as possible. All cells/packs in series should fill up at the same rate. So if the lowest capacity pack is filled first, you have wasted capacity that will never be used, and/or you will over charge your lowest ones.
Llike Korishan & Wolf says, packs in series should have the same/similar capacity.
You should mix up your cells across your packs so each pack has some higher + some lesser mAhrs.
Use repacker (see link top right)
Yes, P-clusters put in series must be the same overall capacity per cluster.

Like let's say we need to end up with a 3-series.

1st pair can be a 3000mAh cell and a 500mAh cell in parallel - total 3500
2nd pair can be a 2000mAh cell and a 1500mAh cell in parallel - total 3500
3rd pair can be a 2500mAh cell and a 1000mAh cell in parallel - total 3500.