Unknown FP-ICR18650 Cell Specifications

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Oct 8, 2016
Warning: The information in this thread was obtained from various sources on the Internet, including any datasheets linked below, and is provided for reference only. It is not guaranteed to be accurate. To prevent fire or personal injury, never charge or discharge a cell before verifying the information yourself using the original specifications sheet provided by the manufacturer.

Capacity:--- mAh Rated
Voltage:--- V Nominal
Charging:--- V Maximum
--- mA Standard
--- mA Maximum
Discharging:--- V Cutoff
--- mA Standard
--- mA Maximum
Description:Blue Cell Wrapper
White Insulator Ring
18650 Form Factor

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Hi this is my first post and I'm trying to identify these cells I took from a laptop battery. I would like to use them for vaping but obviously knowing they're composition , Amp rating etc. Is very important before I do, can anyone help? These dark blue ones are the nearest I can find to them visually.



Thanks and I hope it was ok to post here.
Pictures are blocked.
Generally speaking, cells from laptop batteries aren't suitable for use in e-cigarettes. Especially not if they have been used before and are of uncertain origin, like this one. If you still might get away with it depends on the power of your e-cigarette and how many 18650s it uses in parallel.
Ye thanks. I know that and I use both mech mods which are unregulated and regulated ones which have in built protection. At the moment I use Samsung 25rs and have just got two Sony VTC5a s, I would be very wary of using these without the proper information on the composition , IMR INT,ICR etc. Amp rating 10,20,30 etc. I have a multimeter that's giving them a 4.0 Amp rating for the power so they seem to be ok. Hence why I'm looking for more information ;-) If anyone can help or let me know how to find out the info that would be great. I am going to re wrap them if they are good to use , on mech mods I would only use them singularly and in my regulated it like be dual parrellel.
That sounds dubious. How does the multimeter determine what discharge current is suitable? It can't do that just so.

However, let's use this as an example. If 4.0 Amps turns out to be accurate, which might be the case for laptop cells, then how do they seem to be ok to be used in a e-cigarette? That means 15W maximum for single cell applications. I don't smoke and I'm not an expert for e-cigarette but from what I know they use more than 15W. A lot more sometimes. I did a quick search on Amazon, there is none under 40W and many in the region of 60W to 80W. Biggest one I found was 220W.
Even for the small 40W one you should use more like three of these in parallel.

We will probably never find a datasheet for these cells by the way. That is the whole point of this kind of cell. If you have public datasheets then you have to adhere to your own standards. If you don't then you can do whatever you want and use whatever you can get your hands on.
The chemistry however is given, it's an ICR cell. So these are lithium cobalt oxide cells which seems to be fitting since these usually offer high specific energy at the cost of discharge current. That's what you want for laptos bnatteries. However that's excatly the opposite to what you would use in high discharge current applications like e-cigarettes.
Yes sorry you mis understood I didn't mean they were ok to use for an e cigarette , I just meant they were ok charge wise. And I think I car my volts and amps mixed up, I tested them with the multimeter on 20V and they read just over 4, as in the charge , all my good ecig batteries read between 3.7v and 4.2v. That's what I was referring too. I'm no expert on batteries hence my posts here and why I'd be super cautious using them in any mechanical mod or regulated mod for an ecigarrette. Is there a way to discover he Amp rating ? My 25rs are 20 Amp continuous and 30 Amp pulse as far as I recall so that's what I'd like to know about these.
Oh, I see. Yes, your multimeter tells you that the cells have 4.0V. That is fine, that is potentially a usable cell. Most 18650s are fine down to about 2.5~3.0V but you will probably never see this when using them in e-cigarettes.

To find out about the discharge characteristics of an unknown cell you have to do what the manufacturers do. You charge the cell to 4.2V and then discharge it in a controlled manner to 3.0V or 2.5V at a constant current, for example 1A. During discharge you log the voltage over time and the discharged capacity. And then you repeat the process, this time with a higher discharge current. And again. And again. And again. Each time with a higher current up to a certain, reasonable point. You see, Samsung tells you about the batteries you have bought but for these ones you have to do all the work yourself.

You end up with specific discharge curves for this cell at 1A, 2A, 5A, 8A, whatever currents you chose. By doing that you determine how the cell behaves under a certain load and by that you can make a statement about the usuability of this cell for certain applications. The problem is you need the equipment to do this and a bit of knowledge to understand what your measurements are telling you. Equipment can be bought, knowledge can be obtained through learning and experience. So you could do this.
However, this is valid for one cell. Just the one you have tested. It doesn't mean that the next cell of the same kind is the same. You have to repeat this process for every cell you have. That is probably not worth your time and effort I would say. Especially in this case where you can't really expect to get a cell you can use in your e-cigarette.
Ok thanks for the advice that's helpful. With your knowledge would you say they are not suitable for e cigs? I know unprotected ICRs are more volatile than say IMRs which are much more suited to vaping as they are more stable and less likely to explode , especially modern vaping which need high wattages due to sub ohm vaping coil resistances, the Amp rating of most IMR 18650s used in vaping needs to be a minimum of 20amps really and the higher Amps the better 30amp continuous being around the best available (going off Moochs battery tests, many claim more but don't actually have that many Amps when tested). I was wary of using them anyway, I just happened to find an old laptop battery pack and decided to open it up and check them out ;-) if they're of use to anyone and they pay the postage I'll be happy to pass them on. Just let me know. I'm in the uk btw
Yes, I would say that. Not good for e-cigarettes. Like most ICR, I guess. Most ICR are made for high capacity and energy density. In simpler words, they are made to fit the most mAh in a 18650 cell. And to do that they sacrifice the ability to do high amp discharge.

In a laptop you need a rather low current to run the thing on its battery and you want it to run as long as possible. In a e-cigarette you have short bursts of high currents, this is the opposite what you want from a "laptop cell".

By the way, sorry mike for going a bit off topic here. I feel that was important though.