Used TESTED 18650 Cells [EU only] [non EU country PM]

ALL NEW - Battery Finder Search for 12/24/36/48v or by capacity
New & used Batteries, Solar, accessories, LifePo4 cells & more 5% Coupon "Powerwalls"
we added a new features :

Build Now Pay Later

4x monthly installments and ZERO interest for customers.

today avaiable in France - Spain - Italy with a credit card (debit card should work in a few)

end of this year we should be able to do same thing in Portugal

In 2021 Germany - Netherlands

But we had a good news and if all will be ok, we can do it soon in all EU countries



added 13s modules 29e samsung 29e and 7s20p samsung module samsung 29e.

+ 1 with 300 sony v3 and 1 with 200 samsung 29e

all for powerwall or cell harvesting.

can t test them alone, we are in semi lock down so workforce only for small packs and single cells.
Entered code NOFEAR. Reply: There is 1 Error. This voucher does not exists.

So purchase price 150 Freight 20. No 5% rebate and NO free freight.

I will not proceed to checkout, because I will not pay 170

Sorry, but please explain how to do this without being tricked into paying too much.

ChrisD5710 said:
Entered code NOFEAR. Reply: There is 1 Error. This voucher does not exists.

So purchase price 150 Freight 20. No 5% rebate and NO free freight.

I will not proceed to checkout, because I will not pay 170

Sorry, but please explain how to do this without being tricked into paying too much.

good Morning ChrisD, that code was avaiable during First Lockdown in Italy (but was 11 march 2020)

03-11-2020, 03:37 PM[size=x-small](This post was last modified: 03-11-2020, 03:39 PM byemuland-metroman. Edited 1 time in total.)[/size]

i'm going to put a new promocode for sure.

new Promocode For this Forum :


when you are too honest....

we have sent a couple of untested packs, and we know that we sent more that what we are "selling" (as usual) to our customer.

we did that because sometimes opening packs lead to holes on cells, or with untested packs it's like gambling.

yesterday and today i got 2/3 message from a customer that's not happy because cells are 2.2v (i've tested packs before sending and they are resting all around 3.5v).
btw he threaten us with a "bad feedback" even he payd for 200 and get 400 (i think it was a good deal) but is still angry with us becaus his recovery rate was
-30 pcs on first pack (of 200/100 )
50/60% under 2.2v on second pack (of 200/100)

my math is advanced enough to do :

200-30 = 170 good on first pack
200*40% = 80 good on second.

so 250/200 salvaged around 125% of succes rate.

anyone got same result buying untested pack of ebike/notebook cells?

PS: he never told us :" hey you sent wrong number of cells, you gave me 100 extra thanks man you are a great dealer..."

i'm trying to let off steam....
Paolo, my Friend.

Take it easy. :) Not all customers are unhappy.

Just one thing, I have just got word, that my pension will be raised by 1.8% next Year, everybody else get at least 4%, but You are raising Your prices by 8% ???

I found seller: paoloemuland on e-bay.
Here the price on item:
14s20P UNTESTED powerwall 1865 29E SAMSUNG... is 350 not 340.

1 module 7s20p is 160 not 150.

I Presume this is You.?

This is the reason for my post.

However, I have verified, prices on Your main site is unaltered. :)

yes, it's me (us).

we always had lower price on our platform instead of ebay. and there was no big price jump on ebay (sometimes we pay more so we cant sell as same price as before. there's no such good deal such BH has in US, as i know