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ALL NEW - Battery Finder Search for 12/24/36/48v or by capacity

  • Korishan
    Korishan reacted to Wolf's post in the thread Wolf's PowIRwall with Like Like.
    Update on the new battery build. Well we have a fully functional 48V nominal 78Ah pouch cell battery prototype First off I had to figure...
  • K
    kje reacted to Wolf's post in the thread Wolf's PowIRwall with Like Like.
    Update on the new battery build. Well we have a fully functional 48V nominal 78Ah pouch cell battery prototype First off I had to figure...
  • K
    kje replied to the thread Identify 18650 cell.
    I used liitokala lii-500 for capacity testing the cells. Yes, I was expecting INR cell. Would be interesting to see a confirming reply...
  • italianuser
    italianuser replied to the thread Identify 18650 cell.
    Uhm, with a 30mOhm IR for a 5 year old cell I'd say it's a used INR cell. Any 5 year old used ICR of mine has an IR a lot higher. [Note...
  • italianuser
    wow, this is fascinating. Mark, so the function of the 4051 multiplexers is to cycle on the voltage readings coming from the cells? I'm...
  • italianuser
    I gues voltage comes from D18. It is ok. You need to troubleshoot that regulator. Make sure emitter of Q37 connected to R53 and...
  • italianuser
    Here is a schematic:
  • Fukuokian
    Fukuokian replied to the thread Balancing question.
    It ain't pretty, but it seems to be working. No sparks and the wires are room temp.
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  • Fukuokian
    Fukuokian replied to the thread Balancing question.
    it showed about 0.23 amps when I connected the highest stack (7.82v to a 7.81 stack). Not sure how accurate my clamp meter is (or the...
  • Oleksii
    Oleksii reacted to Wolf's post in the thread Wolf's PowIRwall with Like Like.
    Update on the new battery build. Well we have a fully functional 48V nominal 78Ah pouch cell battery prototype First off I had to figure...
  • B
    B-Man reacted to Dala's post in the thread Dala's Battery-Emulator with Like Like.
    Great news all, version 7.8.0 has just been released! Most notable thing about this release is that it adds 3x new inverter protocols (...
  • OffGridInTheCity
    OffGridInTheCity reacted to Wolf's post in the thread Wolf's PowIRwall with Love Love.
    Update on the new battery build. Well we have a fully functional 48V nominal 78Ah pouch cell battery prototype First off I had to figure...
  • Wolf
    Wolf replied to the thread Wolf's PowIRwall.
    Update on the new battery build. Well we have a fully functional 48V nominal 78Ah pouch cell battery prototype First off I had to figure...
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  • Wolf
    Wolf replied to the thread Identify 18650 cell.
    More than likely ICR and what device did you use to get 2693mAh from this 2500mAh cell or is that the cell number. Wolf
  • P
    patdufo1 reacted to Korishan's post in the thread 20 48v chevy volt packs,BMS? with Like Like.
    I'm guessing you mean "no monitoring" as in connecting to a App or some other means of seeing the stats of the system. Pretty much...