sorting out cells


Active member
Mar 2, 2019
Good morning everyone,


When I was playing with my tester, i noticed that it is a bit of wasted time to test them first for remaining volt, then discharge to 3.9
To get them back up to 4.2v, to do a full range test, you just gain 25-50mah.

I have/had absolutely no experience with lio
Learning time is never a waste of time, imo.

I am someone that can read a lot, but i have to learn it by just to do it.
Just like what is a heater, you just have to encounter one.

I noticed that the cells that here being charged 3 - 4 weeks ago, i checked them on remaining voltige, there was almost no drop.
When discharge them to 3.9v to charge them up again to 4.2v you only gain ~25-50ma on the full range.
So when the voltage is still above 4.10v i just discharge, if a cell is between 4.00v and 4.10 volt i write it down on the cell.
Every cell below 4v will be set aside for a further test.

Am i doing thiscorrect?

Am i correct:
Is it save to say: When a cell dropped in 4 weeks to ~4.10 v you lose ~25ma?, and ~4 to 4,10v you lost 25-50ma?
Of course i take in consideration that there are cells from 1800mah to 3500mah.
So basically a could add up 25-50mah if a cell is on a "border" between two buckets?

Below a pic of my sorting trey, i think i am good to go?


Every comment or input is welcome

Thanks in advance, best
You are correct in that way, that you are inside the field where people do slightly different on their own opinion.
Indeed, my opinion and knowledge where formed here, with my own twist.
But i am still trying to get it right.
Learning every day and still asking for advice.

At least i am on the right track now