Second BMS setup Suggestions?


New member
May 12, 2018
So right now i'm running an Electrodacus as my main solar/ bms for my 7S setup. Going to be adding another 7S to connect the the excising 7s 24v setup. i was thinking just a cheap 60 amp bms but not really sure. Batruim is out of my price range. What are people doing when they increase or add on ?Links also if you can provide please
Make it simple and attache it in parallel. Ie all packs. Then you use the same as you have today. Its alot better...

I guess current packs arent that big and the Electrodacus can cope with it in total.
Depends on how balanced your packs are but yes I agree with daromer. I have 60p packs but I've already paralleled them together 5 deep. So my packs are essentially 300p packs. I interconnect them with 12ga wire as only very little current is going through them.
