Could be used as a BMS?

zerberfert said:
Hello again,

Has anyone seen this:

it is not an affiliate link, just found it browsing Amazon.

It is not a complete BMS, but could be used just to monitor a system. Just wanted to share.

These functions are useful. Inmy system, aMidnite Classic charge controller provides these capabilities, so I could see itif you didn't have a charge controller or have a less featured charge controller. For example, this is how I turn my inverters on/off - e.g. voltage monitor -> external relay -> inverter on/off switch.

However, to qualify as a
BMSI'd want it toincludecell level monitoring/actionand I don't see that.
I agree with OffGridInTheCity.

That BMS looks like it is only for LeadAcid applications and only at the absolute ends of the string. So no individual cell monitoring at all (internally or externally).