SimpBMS and current reading, using a Shunt, instead of a HallEffect-sensor (from LEM)


New member
Aug 7, 2020
Hello Folks.

With the not so widely available LEM CAB 300 (or Lem CAB 500) sensors, relatively high prices, and the general disadvantage of the accuracy of Hall-Effect-Sensors (see here), I am leaning towards a Shunt-solution for accuracy, for the wider availability, and for the potentially lower price. Currently I see no disadvantage using a Shunt sensor, compared to the hall effect sensor.

My question is: How to connect a Shunt sensor to SimpBMS?

Doing some quick product search, I found two potential interesting Shunts:
  1. This shunt an an example, which seems to be of a relative high quality.
  2. An alternative could be the Victron SHU500050100 shunts, which seem to come with the BMV battery monitors, and seem to be sold independently. I assume, the SHU500050100 could be used without the BMV monitor?
Let's assume, one of the above 500A/50mV units would be used, how are they connected to SimpBMS?

On another forum (see here) I found a reply from Carel Hassink, that the J2 connector would be used for analogue shunts, which I guess is the kind of Shunt I'm talking about, isn't it?

Looking at the current SimpBMS manual (V.0.22), page 9, J2 shows a connection to a hall effect sensor, if I'm not mistaken.

Can anybody (or You, Carel) please clarify on the Shunt topic in general, and specifically on the ones linked above?

Thank you.
Redpacket said:
The manual also has some notes at the bottom of page 13 about analogue sensors
but the "dhab s44" seems to be a hall module?

There's also this thread re a newer model sensor CAB500:

Yes, the mentioned thread was created by me. In the meantime, I found out, that the Hall Effect sensors have disadvantages, and for my setup I might prefer a Shunt - so am wondering about how to connect one to SimpBMS...
Redpacket said:
Didn't see you posted that! :)
SimpBMS seems to be aiming for the EV market & CANBus is king there.
Maybe a CANbus to eg VEdirect interface & use the Victron shunt?
Does this thread give you any leads?

There seem to be quite some people who use SimpBMS for stationary systems, and I'm afraid my decision for SimpBMS is final. Did look around for quite a while and decided to go with SimpBMS, which I have in hand already...

CANBus in the car is king ;-) I guess that's correct.

CANBus to VEdirect interface? I found a patch cable (RJ-45) from Victron, which seems to have some pins switched, and is supposed to work to connect Batteries. Not sure, if that would apply im my scenario. Could always put the connect the Victron Shunt to the CerboGX, but am at this point not sure about the advantages/disadvantages for the Victron+SimpBMS system, if the energy measuring device is connected to the Cerbo, rather than to SimpBMS...

Let's see, if the developers of SimpBMS will find this tread.