Client Builds


Oct 7, 2016
Been given the opportunity to build some rigs. Most so far have been client shopping lists - hopefully, soon I'll get to build a premium rig with zero budget - best of the best in the meantime here are a few of what I've worked on.





That's what I need to help keep the house warm :p

It was said in chat: "mining is a waste of energy and time"
I replied: "In winter, would you rather burn 1000W in radiator/heating element/heat pump, or 1000W in mining and get a return on the heat produced??"
They said they'd rather have the investment :p
Definitely think like anything in this world you need to value add to the process, You can choose to manufacture shovels but sometimes to be competitive it's what you do with the waste is the difference between profit and loss.

Mining that waste is heat, colder climates you heat your homes in my case the 'waste' is the excess power I have as well as the heat. In winter I could warm my whole home, however it stands to reason I wouldn't have the excess power than either

It is impossible to argue with people that can't look outside the box.
Here's my response to that... My home is completely electric heat. That is radiant heating coils in the ceiling. My living room alone pulls close to 5kw when the heat is on. That being said, I see the following options. 1) Pay for electric heat to heat my home or 2) Pay for electric to run my miners and also heat my home. My office that runs one single miner of 4 cards RX580 stays around 70F. The heat never turns on. It's fantastic. So yes, it costs me money to run the miner, but in exchange, the heat never turns on. Win win?