welds cgr18650cg/gazelle pack


New member
Dec 30, 2018
Just got a new load of gazelle ebike packs :) However the welds on these seem to bea lot stronger then on most other packs I have seen. Removing the thin strips always damages the cell. Leaving holes and making the cells useless :dodgy:

Any hints/tips ?

I have had a lot of packs from gazelle dissambled.
And i found 2 ways to remove the strips.
1 , i weaken the strip around the welds by a dremel.
Only the negative side.
And then i cut them .
2 cut the strips between the cells , pull them out the plastic holder an then i cut the rest of the strips with a sharp cutter.

Good luck ,
Those are normal spot welds for higher current applications like ebikes.

On some cells I had to leave parts of the nickel attached as it was impossible to get off without damaging

A good way I found was to use a dremel and dremel away with a cutter head just the spot weld joint. I got quite good and quick at is.
just be careful.
Cut the strip instead is My tip. If it takes longer than 5 sec per side i dont do it :)