Christmas Greetings from France


New member
Dec 9, 2018

Many thanks to you for the amount of knowledge I find in this forum !

I am reading all the threads to make me a clear view of the state of art in the DIY powerpack and PV domain.

So, once again, thank you all for these shares !

I am living in France, a small town in Burgundy and I am planning to get off-grid as I think that the cost of the energy in France will get higher and higher each year.
It's an assumption and perhaps future will get me wrong.

Here are my electrical needs:

- Don't change anything in my actual grid-tie equipements (oven, fridge, inductive hotplate etc...) but, in case of breaking, change them for less power consumption. I will able to have two years of electrical consumption for my home in 6 months. Consumptions sorted by categories and time stamped whichwill be interesting to analyze.
-In addition to these common needs, I want to be able to use some electrical tools like saws, routers, mill and lathe.

So, for now, I try to find as data as possible to compute a realistic model of the real irradiance at my house localisation.
In // I began to collect some used laptop batteries to salvage the cells, test them with the goal to build a good bank and so to be able to determine the real cost of this build.

For now, I managed to collect 88 laptop batteries (average 500 cells) and I am sorting them. Statistics will come soon !

Best regards,

Welkom. You are going to need a lot more cells. I already have 4000 cells and 160laptop batteries to open yet. And this is far from what i want to have ;)