Tube Battery Adapter for 18650 cells. Do I need discharge protection?


New member
Oct 15, 2017
I wanted to refit my old 3D Maglite so I made this holder for 2 18650s. It's a drop in replacement for the 3 D cells. I also replaced the incandescent bulb with an LED replacement from Amazon that works from 4v~24v.
I have the batteries wired in serial. I don't intend to charge the batts while in this, this is simply a holder for loose cells. I've gotten some feedback that I need discharge protection. On the one hand I'm using salvaged cells that were pretty cheap to me, but I certainly don't want to risk anything dangerous.

BTW; this is up on Thingiverse Tube Battery Adapter for 18650 with STLs for 2~7 D cells, and 2~7 C cells. It's designed in OpenScad and the source file is there also.
There are 2s bms's, battery protection boards. Probably would be smart to include one in the design.
later floyd
Those springs (which I always don't like) should have at east 100mR (milliOhm) resistance. So it increases resistance on cell itself 2-7 times, depending how high-drain cell is.
Just keep that in mind.
If you are charging outside the holder I would think at minimum you would want a low voltage cutoff. Realistically the most likely effect of not having protection is that you would overdraw the cells and damage them.